"ANONYMOUS" FTP FILE SERVERS Updated 3/25/92 The following stations have files available on-line for anonymous FTP. To access these servers, establish an FTP session using the user name "anonymous" and your call sign as the password. Then, browse, copy files, and enjoy! Host Name: switch.bedford.ampr.org Sysop: DoC Willard, W1EO For info, contact: w1eo%wa1phy@switch.bedford.ampr.org WA1PHY is located at MITRE in Bedford. It's well-known as a packet bbs (see the listing for "bbs.wa1phy" under "Gateways") and actually is a complex node with two different computers. The host "wa1phy.ampr.org" contains an extensive set of files available for FTP. They cover a variety of subjects of interest to TCP operators. Host Name: wa1lou.ampr.org Sysop: Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU For info, contact: wa1lou@wa1lou.ampr.org Stan has on-line copies of his recent ARRL packet radio columns--Packet Perspective (from QST) and Gateway (from QEX). He also has public domain Macintosh ham radio software. Host Name: ka1as.ampr.org Sysop: Al Bolduc, KA1AS For info, contact: ka1as@ka1as.ampr.org KA1AS has a large amount of information available for ftp. In particular, Al maintains both the TCP-Group Digests and the RFCs. TCP-Group Digest is an Internet mail distribution used by NOS and NET developers. RFCs (Requests for Comments) serve as the "specs" for the various protocols in the TCP/IP suite. KA1AS also has the current NASA element sets. The file "nasa.pre" has the elements in NASA two-line format. The file "nasa.for" describes the format. Host Name: ka8scp.ampr.org Sysop: Terry Stader, KA8SCP For info, contact: ka8scp@ka8scp.ampr.org Terry's public folder contains a variety of files.... the most recent AMSAT and ARRL news, propagation bulletins as well as Sweden Calling DX (SCDX) newsletters will be posted there as they become available. Terry also carries the last month's worth of digests from the Info-Ham, Ham-Policy, and TCP-Group Internet distributions, as well as KD2BD's SpaceNews files. There is a whole collection of data about the Armed Forces of each of the countries in the Middle East in the MidEast directory. Many other files of interest... Massachusetts public safety freqs as well as an Introduction to Shortwave Listening. Please feel free to send Terry mail about the worthiness of this section, or related files that you would like him to archive for you. Terry had been carrying a number of Macintosh files and programs. These have temporarily been removed due to backoff problems on file transfers. Host Name: switch.centma.ampr.org Sysop: Don Hughes, KA1MF For info, contact: ka1mf@ka1mf.ampr.org Don is the IP address coordinator for eastern, southeastern, and central Massachusetts. He maintains the current HOSTS and DOMAIN files at all times in the \public directory at the switch.centma node. The files are stored in "zip" format (which requires an "unzip" program to decompress). In addition, there are a number of TCP/IP documentation files available and usually one or more versions of NOS. Host Name: wa1equ.ampr.org Sysop: Rich Vitello, WA1EQU For info, contact: wa1equ@wa1equ.ampr.org Rich maintains a number of files on his system, among them the info published daily on the Internet's TCP-Group distribution. Rich has this data, in his \public\news directory, going back 3.5 years! If you want to get a perspective on how NOS and NET evolved, it makes for very interesting reading. Rich has a separate directory for software for each type of PC for which KA9Q software is available. Look for the IBM NOS & NET subdirectories, as well as Amiga, MAC, Atari, and MSYS and UNIX. There's also a version of NOS for OS/2. (The MAC subdirectory just has "where-to-get-it" information.) But, there's more: Rich also maintains a "PROMS" subdiectory which has the actual prom kiss codes for both the tnc1 & tnc2. In his MISC sub-directory you'll find everything from radio mods to a zipped up file of TCP/IP experiments/conversations he conducted on HF! And he also has a lot of NE TCPer files and back issues available. This all totals more than 5 Megabytes dedicated to TCP/IP!